Hickling Playing Field or Recreation Ground Charity Volunteer Strategy
The Volunteer Strategy will aim to assistHickling Playing Field or Recreation Ground Charity (HPFRGC) Trustees and volunteers to workcollaboratively to achieve the objectives of the Charity. Hickling PlayingField or Recreation Ground Charity is committed to involvingvolunteers as it recognises the invaluable contribution made by the volunteers.
HPFRGC has a strong base of volunteers ina variety of roles, which includes trustees, event organisers, refreshment andcatering, sport, educational and leisure organisers.HPFRGC acknowledges the importance of maintaining and growing the volunteerpool in order to fulfil current and future demands.
The strategic objectives:
• common understanding of the charity
• development andreview of a volunteer policy
• co-ordination of volunteers
• volunteer recruitment plan
• effective communication with volunteers
• effective support for volunteers
Hickling Playing Field or Recreation Ground Charity (HPFRGC) VolunteerPolicy
HPFRGC is a registeredcharity which is wholly volunteer led and volunteers are involved in diverseroles requiring skills and expertise in business planning, governance,fundraising, health and safety, event management, building maintenance, foodsafety etc. Volunteers are able to learn new skills,share expertise and knowledge, build new relationships within the communitywhich are beneficial to the members of the charity and to the volunteersthemselves.
Recruitment of New Volunteers
Recruitment of volunteers is an on going process.
Volunteers will be actively recruitedthrough promoting specific roles :
• Membership of the Board of Trustees
• Membership of the Events Committee
• Membership of the Gym Committee
• Participation in the organisation anddelivery of community events
• Participation in the maintenance andupkeep of the Charity’sfacilities
• Participation in local community groupsusing the facility
• Children s activities and the playground
New residents to the village will beinvited to attend volunteer meetings and Charity events toencourage their engagement and involvement.
Volunteer Roles
Volunteer roles and tasks will beidentified by the Trustees, theevents committee and the volunteer co-ordinator.
Prospective volunteers will be invited tocomplete a registration form, followed by an informal meeting with thevolunteer co-ordinator and a trustee or member of the events team. The areas of interest or expertise thatthe prospective volunteer may have to offer will be discussed and theirname will be added to the relevant group of volunteers. This will be followedby being involved in the designated activity, alongside an experiencedvolunteer.
N.B. Children and Vulnerable peoplewishing to volunteer will need to be accompanied by aparent or guardian.
Volunteer Induction
There will be an induction session whichencompasses the history of the charity, its objects and its current activities,health and safety, emergency procedures, role specific training, walk through in the Barn.
New volunteers will also be introduced tothe team of volunteers either at ageneral Volunteers meeting or directly to the volunteer group which they join,or both.
Volunteer Expenses
The Charity encourages equality, diversity and inclusion. Volunteers should not be out of pocket whilstvolunteering and volunteers should be made aware of how to pre authorise and tothen collect expenses.
Health & Safety
Volunteers are covered by HPFRGCinsurance. Volunteers will be provided with specific healthand safety guidelines which are relevantto the role.
Volunteer Communication
All volunteers will be asked to sign upfor the Barn Alert system as well as to the relevant email group for theirchosen area of activity. Those not on the internet will be askedfor their preferred form of communication.
Regular volunteers meetings will be heldto ensure that the group are informed and consulted about the running anddevelopment of the charity.
Volunteer Support
HPFRGC values andappreciates the involvement of volunteers in order to provide a community basedactivity hub for its members.
Volunteers are invited to attendvolunteers meetings which are held regularly.
Volunteers wishing to raise concernsabout their volunteering, should in first instancediscuss with volunteer co-ordinator. In the event of the situation beingunresolved, the complaints policy and procedure should be followed.
DBS Checks
Any volunteer involved inactivities relating to Children or Vulnerable Adults may be required toundergo a DBS Check in line with the charities safeguarding policy andprocedures.
Communications with ExternalParties
Communications with externalparties and organisations are managed by the Trustees and the Events and Gym committees.
Volunteer Responsibilities
· Undertake work activities in accordance withinstructions given by the event manager or members of the event management team
· Ensure that you know the relevant procedures laidout in the Event management plan
· Become familiar with the location of First Aiders
· Be aware of the location of the fire extinguishers
· Ensure that all personal protective equipmentissues to you is worn/used as required and stored safely
· Work in a safe manner at all times
· Report defects found in equipment immediately tothe event manager.
· Report all injuries, accidents or incidents duringthe event to one of the event organisers.
· Dress appropriately for the weather conditions andenvironment
· Do not misuse anything which is provided for yourhealth and safety and welfare
· Do not use or maintain equipment unless you havebeen trained to do so
· Do not undertake manual handling activities such asmoving heavy objects or stacking chairs unless you have received manualhandling training for the task.
EventManager/Assistant Event Manager:
· Ensure that the fire extinguishers have beenposition at suitable intervals throughout the site and within the marquees ifused
· Arrange safe delivery and storage of materials andequipment to the site
· Obtain risk assessments and method statements (ifappropriate) from the marquee hire company
· Ensure that risk assessments are obtained fromexhibitors undertaking activities with a significant level of risk
· Ensure certification is received from competentpersons relating to the electrical safety of any hired equipment
· Ensure that any generators are cordoned off fromthe public
· Ensure that exhibitors are instructed on the safemovement of vehicles throughout the site during set up and take down operations
· Monitor health and safety throughout the site, overthe course of the event, taking action where appropriate
· Provide radios for communication and be contactableby radio at all times if required by the event plan.
· Be available to answer queries
· Be contactable by radio (if appropriate) at alltimes
This policy will be reviewed and updated by the trustees every year at the charity's AGM.