In The News
Barn activities to re-open

A number of activities at the Barn can start again following the end of the latest Covid-19 lockdown restrictions. The gym will open from December 2, operating with the same safety precautions which were in place after the first lockdown. Pilates will recommence from next week and snooker, zumba and stretch exercises can open again in the coming days. Unfortunately, our advice is that some hobby groups such as the U3A book group will not be able to meet again at present. For more information, contact your club organiser or instructor.
In reviewing activities which can operate, the trustees have been guided by Government announcements and advice from local authority health and safety officials. While the risk of infection can never be completely removed, we are confident the Barn is a covid-secure location. As long as users comply with the safety rules we believe the risks are extremely low. The trustees are also aware that by resuming as many social and leisure activities as possible, there will be a significant benefit in terms of health and well-being for individuals and for the community as a whole.
We will continue to monitor official advice and keep you informed of the latest updates.